Make a Will. Make a Difference.

Every October, a number of local solicitors from all over Ayrshire & Arran support the Ayrshire Hospice by kindly waiving their fees for writing or changing your Will in return for a donation to the Hospice. The Fortnight encourages you to prepare for the future while helping our patients and their loved ones today. 

This year's Fortnight will run from the 14th until the 28th of October 2024. 

We suggest a donation of £100 for making or changing a single Will, or £150 for a pair of basic mirror Wills for couples. These suggestions are lower than the current market rate for this vital service, and all funds raised through this appeal will directly support our work, and the patients and their families who need us.

View our up-to-date list of this year's participating solicitors here. To make an appointment, get in touch on the contact details listed.

Make a Will. Make a difference.

Here are some of our participating solicitors discussing our Make a Will Fortnight 2022 and why having an up-to-date Will is so important:

Nellany & Co. Solicitors

Smith & Valentine

Jas Campbell & Co.

James Guthrie & Co.

For further information on anything regarding the Make a Will Fortnight, please get in touch with Lucy Glendinning, Senior Fundraiser (Individual Giving & Legacies) on 01292 288 488 or by emailing [email protected].

Did you know that in 2023, 1 in 3 of our in-patient stays were funded by Gifts in Wills, including the Make a Will Fortnight? 

The care we provide is at no cost to our patients or their families. The Ayrshire Hospice needs just under £25,000 a day to run its services and that requires constant commitment, energy and passion from our community - support we could not do without! Gifts in Wills are an essential part of this fundraising.

Leaving even 1% of your estate to the Ayrshire Hospice will make a real difference to local families affected by life-limiting illnesses, with the remaining 99% ensuring that your loved ones are looked after too. Your legacy is the gift of a lifetime to the people and causes important to you. 

Whether you're still considering, have decided to leave a gift in your Will to the Hospice or would just like more information - we'd love to hear from you. Get in touch here.

Legacy Pledge Form